Special Feature · April 11, 2022

150 Years of Women

Filterable Masonry & Slide-out Drawer Feature and Hero Animation


Northwestern leadership wanted a special site to celebrate and highlight 150 years of women at the university with a feature that allows users to sort by category and era, and click on each person to learn more about them and their contributions. This feature has been popular and has been requested and repurposed for several different projects across Northwestern sites.

My Role:

  • Design an interactive special feature that showcases all the featured catalysts in a way that encourages exploration
  • Work with developers to figure out whether there was something we had previously built that could be repurposed for this feature, or whether there was something new that would work better
  • Decided on use of a combination of Slidebars open source code that was used for another feature and a masonry gallery for the grid display
  • Design an eye-catching homepage hero feature to link to the catalysts feature